Solid Wood Flooring vs. Engineered Wood Flooring
Michael here with gr flooring once again
versus engineered hardwood flooring nowI’ve said it before there’s lots of questions but if solid wood versus
questions there’s lots of misinformation
range solid woods pretty simple but a lot of people build up this engineer stuff as being the best thing since
let’s just address what they are
wood is just that solid wood got up
finish it done and solid wood engineered wood is actually a thin layer now this is one of the thicker ones this is a five five thirty five sixteenths layer
some kind of base now the point of engineered is the the plywood or the base used on the engineered floor is more stable than actual wood because
wood will expand and contract depending
Saskatchewan here cold dry winters nice beautiful human summers we get gaps as these boards shrink they all get gaps engineered that woods trying to shrink
help hold it into place so what actually happens and this is a great sample here is why I showed it now this sample here we can actually see a gap between thes boards now you know give it another month or so this gap will fill right
southern Saskatchewan in a solid wood floor is three and a quarter inches wide reason for that because again as that would expand some tracks if you go wider than that it can actually move to the
cells of the would get crushed they will never return to the original shape so
summer fields backhand winter gap summer fields back in and add Infinium it just can’t keep going on now with an
strong stable plywood never got gaps
tries to move can’t move now that being said I really shouldn’t say can’t move
wood has moved so much with water that the ancient Romans used to use white oak
trying to break into mountains and crush rocks that actually drill a small hole
actually expand it so far that they broke the rock that’s how strong it is we’re not going to stop it from moving but we minimize the movement and we change the movement so it actually happens if you get a nice wide like a five-inch wide board or a six and a half inch wide board as that floor tries to shrink the plywood saw trying to hold it in place which you actually might get is
trying to pull in it but the base is all
as it doesn’t solve it just warps a little and again as soon as the humidity goes back up she goes nice and flat again now most of the products we have are available both in a solid as well as an engineered same colors same wood not
course again the widths the widest we’re going to go three and a quarter the widest I have reign Helen are engineered is I believe seven and three quarters wide so really white boards so that’s
of the things we hear a lot of though is that engineered is more or less durable and that just can’t be true it’s the
the wood itself so what we’re walking on is that layer of polyurethane that we have on the engineered how we have on the solid we have on all of our natural
solid and vice versa also denting they’ll both occur exactly the same it’s the wood on top that’s moving its not
if I drop a heavy thing on here heavy thing on here they both damp the same if they were the same species obviously oak and maple grand i10 different but they both mark the same they both wear the same they both have the same durability and a good quality engineer you can still recut you can
as you can with a good solid but it is still a possible
only difference is stability which
which are a little bit more in style
so right now it’s wider who knows couple years from now be signed the little boards and then back again back again so then one would ask why would I use solid
of course I sold the original floor
the house 11 years ago 10 years ago solid throughout solid is there forever
if not centuries upon centuries
our market here in Regina solid is still
products get better engineered is
still King this will allow you to
national would form Association they say that a three-quarter inch solid floor done by a professional can be refinished between five to seven times whereas we say a good quality engineered with that five 16 7 inch wear layer can be refinished two to three times so you get more resound out of this than you do on
not all engineered is created equal there are some engineers out there where the layer wood is so thin it’s 0.6 millimeters it’s basically the thickness
actually call it engineered as well as if the core isn’t stable enough it will still have movement he’ll still have some issues in there so be very careful
very expensive it’s a big investment in your home so make sure you’re using the
any questions please don’t hesitate to