Antiques Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics Identify Different Types of Wood in Antique Furniture

  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, maple, elm; you might have a few or these woods in your home

Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, maple, elm; you might have a few or these woods in your home. However, do you realize how to differentiate among them? In the current month’s segment, we’ll talk about the various types of wood that are consistently found in old fashioned furnishings and some normal enlivening medicines. 

                                                                                                                                                    Antiques – Wood Basics

Wood is hard or delicate. At the point when I say hard, I imply that the wood is thick, though, a delicate wood is flexible. A decent stunt to differentiate among hard and delicate wood is that in the event that you press your fingernail into a delicate wood like pine, it leaves a space. However, this doesn’t occur with a hard wood like oak. 

Wood is coarse-grain or close-grain. In coarse-grain wood, the age rings in the wood are far a section, giving it a lopsided appearance. In close-grain woods, the age rings in the wood are exceptionally near one another, giving it a smooth, fragile appearance. 

Now and then, wood is finished. Lighter woods like oak, elm and maple can be finished to look like a more obscure mahogany or rosewood. 

A few woods (mahogany, rosewood, burl walnut) are seen to be more significant than different woods (elm, maple, tidy). The justification this is accessibility. Woods that should be imported are more costly than local woods. Woods that are plentiful are not as costly as woods that are scant. 


Antiques  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics

Oak is a coarse-grain hard wood found in Europe and North America. Beginning in seventeenth century Europe, oak was utilized to make furniture found all through the home. There are a few assortments including red oak and white oak. Youthful oak is pale in shading. In any case, after some time and with cleaning, oak obscures into a rich earthy colored tone. 


Mahogany is a nearby grain hard wood local to northern and focal South America and the West Indies. Mahogany was a famous decision in England during the mid-eighteenth century for fine furniture making. It is a dim red tone now and again, notwithstanding, it is dim brown. Red mahogany is found in the West Indies and earthy colored mahogany is local to South America. Mahogany furniture keeps on being beneficial today. 


Rosewood is a nearby grain hard wood native to India, South America and the West Indies. Rosewood is named for the rose aroma that discharges when it is cut. Once in a while, I find that individuals befuddle rosewood and mahogany. The two woods can be red in shading. Nonetheless, when you take a gander at rosewood, you’ll see fine dark (and once in a while white) rings that are absent in mahogany. One more stunt to tell if a thing is rosewood is to get it. Rosewood is an exceptionally substantial wood, heavier than mahogany. In the seventeenth century China, rosewood was a famous decision for fine furniture creators. Too, in nineteenth century Europe, it was utilized to build better-quality furniture for fine homes. 



Walnut is close-grain hard wood found in Europe and North America. The tone fluctuates from light to an extremely rich brilliant earthy colored tone and it isn’t remarkable to discover walnut stained to look like mahogany. Once in a while, illness prompts the unforeseen. Burl walnut, the most valued type of walnut, results from an illness that assaults the tree causing a wonderful looked over, close-grain. Nowadays you see the vibe of burl walnut imitated in the plastic insides of some better quality vehicles. 


Antiques  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics

Pine is a pale, tied delicate wood with a wide, straight grain. It fills in Europe and North America. Pine was frequently utilized in furniture planned to be painted. Regular furnishings – kitchen tables and seats – were frequently produced using pine. 

Maple and Elm 

Maple and elm are coarse-grain hard woods found in North America and Europe. They were much of the time utilized in utilitarian furnishings. Frequently a facade of a better wood was applied to these woods. 


Veneering is a procedure where an extremely slim sheet of a more costly wood is stuck to a more affordable wood. Utilizing more affordable woods like elm and maple and adding a more costly mahogany or walnut facade permitted furniture creators to give furniture that was reasonable to a bigger customer base. You might hear an antique seller say; “This table is walnut on maple.” The vendor implies that the thing has a walnut facade and under the genuine thing is maple. A walnut on maple table is less significant than a strong walnut table. 

How would you tell if your furniture is veneered? Take a gander at the edges of the piece. In the event that you see what gives off an impression of being a crease, it is veneered. Then again, if the edges of the piece are consistent, it is strong. 

Early facade from the seventeenth century were hand-cut, so they could be lopsided. Be that as it may, in the nineteenth century facade began to be cut by machine. This permitted the facade to be cut exceptionally slender and even. Contingent upon the manner in which the wood is cut, veneering produces various results. Butterfly veneering happens when two restricting end grain facade are slantingly cut from a branch. They are applied to reflect one another. 


Marquetry is a procedure where different sorts of wood are applied to a surface to deliver an image. Blossoms and birds were regularly the subjects. Intriguing woods like dark, satinwood and tulipwood were every now and again utilized. 

The distinction among marquetry and parquetry is the topic. Parquetry is a facade that utilizes mathematical examples. These days, you see it in parquet hardwood floors and lavish chess and backgammon sheets. 

Trim is a beautifying treatment where materials other than wood are cut into a plan. Decorates were regularly made of bone, ivory, mother of pearl, metal, turtle shell. Marquetry, parquetry and decorate first showed up during the Italian Renaissance


Oak Antiques

Antiques  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics

In the UK universe of classical furnishings, the time preceding the mid sixteen hundreds is regularly known as the ‘Time of Oak’. Pieces from this period are by and large heavier, chunkier, and of easier, more archaic plan. Frequently the course grain of the wood is exceptionally alluring, displaying oaks fine medullar beams. 

Oak dropped outdated, to some extent, late in the seventeenth Century with the delivery of more intriguing hardwoods from further abroad. Anyway it made a concise recovery during the Georgian time, and by and by in late Victorian occasions with the Arts and Crafts development. 

From the seventeenth Century onwards, oak took all the more a rearward sitting arrangement, being supported rather for cabinet linings, for instance, while the more colorful woods were utilized, in some cases as facade, for the more apparent pieces of better pieces. 

Anyway the principles about the periods of various woods are not immovable, they are more a harsh aide. Crude material use additionally changes by locale, producer, and for more complicated chronicled reasons. 

As pursued intriguing hardwoods were more costly, and at specific focuses ever, harder to drop by, oak was at times used to repeat them. Producers now and again even finished oak to duplicate different woods. There is likewise some get over between these periods, for certain previous instances of the utilization of extraordinary woods just as later utilization of oak and so forth 

Oak had many advantages as a material. It was not exclusively is nearby plenitude, however is impervious to spoil and woodworm. It creates a course, open grained wood, and is genuinely light in shading, obscuring with age. There are two primary assortments. Red (or dark oak) can have a ruddy, brown or pinkish appearance. It is regularly cleaned to turn out to be exceptionally dim, practically like mahogany. White oak, can have a light, practically greenish color to it. This distinction appears to be particularly clear in Regency pieces, which are of a better completion. 

Walnut Antiques 

Antiques  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics

The ‘Period of Walnut’ started in around 1660. As more perplexing cutting became well known, walnut, a softwood with an alluring and particular patina, came into vogue for a short 60 to long term stretch. Before being generally supplanted by mahogany in around 1730-40. It then, at that point got back to form again a lot later. 

This material considered better work, and was frequently utilized as a facade. It was at the tallness of style during the rules of William and Mary and Queen Ann. The furniture plan of the day turned out to be profoundly impacted by William and Mary’s Dutch sensibilities. 

The more resplendent furniture styles, supported by Queen Mary, had a solid impact upon furniture plan in this period. Particularly prior on in London and the South, where bureau creators took to walnut speedier, and were nearer to the supported wood supply in France. 

Towards the finish of this period frostier relations with France and a serious winter, prompted the stock being supplanted with American walnut. This can be difficult to recognize from the European walnut. 

Walnut bramble (wood secured from malformations upon the tree) was profoundly preferred by bureau producers and craftsmans for its delightful patina. Bramble wood lumber pieces would in general be more modest in size, and more costly. So frequently they were utilized to make facade or trims. 

The supported, particular, twisting patina of the walnut was likewise to be discovered where the tree had been sliced across its base close to the roots. Or on the other hand at the intersections where the storage compartment would meet the trees branches. 

These whirling designs in the wood make walnut exceptionally simple to recognize, but less so where the wood has come from the fundamental trunk where such examples are less continuous, and can be confused with mahogany. Certifiable walnut furniture from this period is very uncommon. During the 1920s Queen Ann Furniture turned out to be so famous and important, that a decent arrangement of reproduction’s were made. Some are difficult to recognize. 


Mahogany Antiques 

Antiques  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics

Victorian Mahogany 4 Door Wardrobe 

This rosy brown, close grain hardwood turned out to be very famous from the 1730s forward, and remained thus, starting a period sorted as the ‘Time of Mahogany’. Mahogany is a sense supplanted oak. First and foremost as a boat building lumber, because of its predominant woodworm and decay obstruction, and sturdiness, later as a crude material for fine furnishings. It rushes to prepare, was available in huge pieces, and was simpler to cut than oak. So it before long turned out to be exceptionally valued by bureau creators. 

Mahogany was imported generally from the Caribbean. It was utilized for the best pieces just, because of the significant expense of importation. The fine, rosy brown, close grain mahogany finish is genuinely simple to distinguish. Anyway there are other lesser referred to mahoganies like the gently hued cove wood from Honduras, or the warm and orangey Cuban assortment. These were exceptionally pursued. 

Satinwood Antiques 

A Stunning Edwardian Writing Table in Satinwood 

Satinwood, an intriguing, light hued wood from the West and East Indies, turned out to be extremely famous at the finish of the eighteenth, and absolute starting point of the nineteenth Century. 

It is effortlessly distinguished by its glossy, close grained, silk like, warm yellow completion, and is in some cases related with Sheraton. It is a costly wood and would have been utilized for the best pieces during this period, which is some of the time alluded to as the ‘Time of Satinwood’. 

Some satinwood pieces had elaborate trims, and some had fine artistic creation laid upon the top, which have generally now eroded. In around 1900 there was a restoration in ubiquity for these more established pieces, and reproductions were made at around that time. 

Different Woods and Antique Furniture 


This outlandish hardwood, so named for the smell it discards when cut, first came into utilization somewhat later than mahogany. It comes from an assortment of areas and has an alluring patina, not unlike mahogany. 


 A softwood, otherwise called ‘bargain’, which will in general be utilized more for cabinet linings, or in furniture that is veneered or painted. 


 Is a now imperiled extraordinary hardwood with a particular and alluring bramble wood. It was truly important and exceptionally valued for trims, facade and more modest things. 


A dark extraordinary hardwood, additionally now extremely uncommon, was regularly utilized in trims. 

Elm and Maple – These were less pursued at that point, however were utilized to make alluring pieces non the less, and the Elm tree is obviously uncommon today in the UK. A few assortments of Elm have an exceptionally unique patina. 

Caring for you Wooden Antiques 

With the right direction, caring for your wooden antiques can be entertaining. Why not investigate a portion of our convenient aides? What’s more, don’t be hesitant to pose bunches of inquiries when making a buy, we are consistently here to help.

Step by step instructions to Identify Different Types of Wood in Antique Furniture

Furniture-producers pick various sorts of woods to be utilized in furniture for their different characteristics. With a bunch of ways of cutting and color wood, it can here and there be hard to decide the kind of wood utilized in classical furnishings and follow it to a particular period. There are extra varieties inside every wood type, for example, “knotty pine” or “elevated maple,” that can muddle the distinguishing proof cycle. There are many books and online assets to utilize, yet encounter is consistently the best instructor as trees fill contrastingly in each environment.

This is just short outline on the best way to distinguish sorts of wood and how to perceive normal attributes. Stumble is frequently isolated into delicate and hardwood. Softwoods are not really any less solid than hard, yet they are flexible and simpler to work with. Softwoods are normally conifers, while hardwoods are from deciduous trees.

These are probably the most well-known sorts of antique woods utilized in history and still utilized today.


Pine FurniturePine 

Antiques  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics Identify Different Types of Wood in Antique Furniture

 An incredibly normal wood, pine is lightweight and opposes contracting or enlarging, but it is inclined to parting. The lumber regularly has straight grain and is white or light yellow, which obscures over the long haul. Pine is extremely normal in building the body or insides of pieces, just to be veneered later.


Mahogany FurnitureMahogany

Antiques  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics Identify Different Types of Wood in Antique Furniture

  Native to Central, South America and the West Indies, mahogany is a famous sort of wood utilized in furniture in European styles. It has an unmistakable grain example and reaches from light brown to red, some of the time with a lace impact. You will frequently see it utilized on feasting tables and dressers, at times strong or generally as a veneer.

Oak furnitureOak

Antiques  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics Identify Different Types of Wood in Antique Furniture

  Oak is extremely strong wood, famous in cabinetry, wood turning, practically all furniture development. Red and white oak are extremely well known assortments. Quarter-sawn oak is likewise a particular sort of how the timber is cut, which shows the beam speck, a pursued practically holographic example in the grain. Oak is extremely famous in the Arts and Crafts development. Debris is usually used to supplant oak and the two can be effectively confused.


Antiques  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics Identify Different Types of Wood in Antique Furniture

 Walnut assortments have a huge number of tones, yet all have a rich figured grain, known for basilica designs. Dark pecan is inclined toward in contemporary development and can look dim even purple in its crude structure. Other crude types of pecan can be earthy colors and whites, however classical pieces show up in yellow-browns as pecan eases up with age. Pecan facade over pine development are more normal than strong pecan pieces. Pecan burl facade are likewise normal on edges and trim in bigger pieces.


Antiques  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics Identify Different Types of Wood in Antique Furniture

 This wood gets its name from the aroma it radiates when you cut it, similar as the blossom. It can seem to be like mahogany, yet has fine dark or white rings and is a lot heavier timber. Imagined is Chinese Rosewood with complex carvings and inlay.


Antiques  Oak, mahogany, walnut, pine, rosewood, Wood Basics Identify Different Types of Wood in Antique Furniture

 Cherry is a typical hardwood in American collectibles, just as Queen Anne styles. The wood is practically pink when originally cut, yet obscures with age to wonderful earthy colors and reds. It is exceptionally normal in cabinetry development because of its solidarity and durability.

If you are uncertain with regards to a piece of classical furnishings or the sort of wood it is produced using, get it to us! We can assist you with reestablishing or resurface your antique furniture with the right sort of care explicit to that wood and piece.

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